Energon ShotsAuthor: Hanari Solomon
Welcome to Energon Shots, where we take shots at the 'Cons and 'Bots! Join Livewire and Bogey, your two Cybertronian hosts, as they discuss various Transformers and what happens when you join a fandom full of filthy robot fuckers. We've got a thirst to quench and we're downing shots left and right. Language: en Genres: Fiction, Science Fiction Contact email: Get it Feed URL: Get it iTunes ID: Get it |
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Energon Shots 10: Heart Of Grimlock, Dumb Of Ass
Episode 11
Saturday, 6 May, 2023
Grimlock! King of the Dinobots! Sometimes gold, sometimes green, but ALL the time badass. We get a little fixated on one particular Grimlock in this episode, but all Grimlocks are good Grimlocks. Except for that one Grimlock. We all know the one. Topics of note: - Eggs?!?! - Grimlock is smart sometimes but not all of the times - Dinobots are NOT dumb and saying that they are is perpetuating a negative stereotype - Bogey There's some REALLY good fanfiction recommendations in this episode, as well as a few shoutouts to some voiceactors and a bunch of fandom talk for all the Grim lovers out there. Let's take some shots at Grimlock together!