You Out Loud  

You Out Loud

Author: Mindy Hancock

The You Out Loud Podcast is designed to help you go from feeling unfulfilled and unsure with your life and self, to stepping into a fulfilled and purposeful life! Each episode is filled with mindset, motivation, inspiration, tough love, mental health & so much more. Rest assured you can take the tools and strategies in this podcast to enhance your day to day life right now. Let's live out loud. Are you ready?
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Language: en

Genres: Education, Self-Improvement

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028: The 4 Types of Self-Care
Tuesday, 5 July, 2022

Hey Friends! Today we are diving into the commonly talked about topic of self-care and diving into the 4 main areas which are:  1. Physical 2. Emotional 3. Social  4. Spiritual  Let me know what you think about this episode and I challenge you to do some different types of self-care today. Follow me over on IG and let me know if you take the challenge at the end of the episode. INSTAGRAM  VISIT MY WEBSITE GRAB YOUR FREE JOURNAL PROMPTS 


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