Bounce Back  

Bounce Back

Author: Anita Devi and Dr Kathy Weston

In this podcast, recorded during the Covid 19 lockdown of 2020, Anita Devi and Dr Kathy Weston discuss ways parents, carers and teachers can support the children under their care so they bounce back after this unprecedented period of social distancing. Subscribe now and help your family to bounce back! Anita Devi - @Butterflycolour Dr Kathy Weston - @parentengage
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Language: en-gb

Genres: Kids & Family, Parenting

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Bounce Back Episode 6 - Looking forward – how do we do this?
Episode 6
Friday, 12 June, 2020

In this episode of Bounce Back, recorded during lockdown, Anita Devi and Dr Kathy Weston talk about the daunting task of moving forward. They talk about the importance of looking ahead and gaining perspective. Kathy and Anita talk about the simple things parents can do at home to facilitate the process of reviewing the experiences of the past both positive and negative to enable them to become excited about things they will be able to do in the future. They remind us that hope is an essential part of maintaining mental health. Listen to discover ways to help your family bounce back!


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