

Author: Cinemasochists

Sean, Michael and Jacob - with occasional guests - get together and watch critically raped films to figure out if they're as bad as we remember. They usually are. Don't hesitate to request, complain or send hugs to: [email protected]
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Language: en

Genres: TV & Film

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Cinemasochists Present....The Stephen King Project - Episode 1 - Carrie
Saturday, 31 August, 2013

Hey loyal Cinemasochists of the world! We're back! After a 6 month long hiatus, we decided to spice things up a bit and after many, many requests to do a video podcast, we decided to cave in and try it out. But that wasn't enough. We needed more. You DESERVE more! Instead of just a regular old "bad movie" pick like we usually do, we decided to do the marathon of all marathons......We are taking on EVERY SINGLE STEPHEN KING ADAPTATION! That's right. Not just the theatrical movies, but the made for TV movies, the many mini series, the straight to DVD films, even the TV episodes he wrote. There are about 1,456 adaptations*... We counted. Ladies and Gentlemen, may I present to you Episode 1 of our "Stephen King Project" (as well as our very first VIDEO podcast)  CARRIE!  *slight exaggeration


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