sekashikiAuthor: Red
English is below. RedLets get started! This podcast is 99% in Japanese. I talk about the things that nobody told me, I wish I could know earlier. Like racism, living abroad, how using the word ' Gaijin' is offensive, and so on. This is mostly for Japanese people, but I hope people who are interested in learning about Japanese language and culture will enjoy too. Let's get started! Language: ja Genres: Education, Language Learning Contact email: Get it Feed URL: Get it iTunes ID: Get it |
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#23 イブプロフェンってなに?薬の知識の大切さ
Episode 23
Monday, 20 July, 2020
Today's topic: Knowledge about medicine. 誰もがきっと一度はお世話になったことがある、痛み止めの薬。その薬ってどんな成分でできていて、どんな作用があるか知ってますか?海外の滞在先で、いつも使っている薬が売っているとは限りません。「バファリンください」が通じないとしたら、どうしよう!海外への渡航前の方は特に必見です。さ、Let's get started!