Aluminium Linings PodcastWelcome to the Aluminium Linings Podcast! I sit down and chat with people about anything except their day jobs! Dont get me wrong, day jobs are great! They help us pay bills and meet new people and eat (man alive, I love eating). But we are so much more than what we do for a living! We have passions and awesome hobbies and cool talents! Author: Mack J
Welcome to the Aluminium Linings Podcast! The podcast where we talk about anything except for our day jobs! Language: en-us Genres: Comedy, Hobbies, Leisure Contact email: Get it Feed URL: Get it iTunes ID: Get it |
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Episode 31 - Kevin (the Boundary Crosser)
Episode 31
Tuesday, 6 February, 2024
In part one of Mack-bringing-her-friends-on-to-talk-about-their-pets, Maddie chats about how choosing a dog is also about the dog choosing you and the less-than-ideal timing that comes along with that. Maddie and Mack also talk about dog parks, anxiety behaviours and using the internet for good. Please adopt Carl.Episode References:Old Macdonald Kennels: Grace Animal Society content:GM Schedule: AluminiumLinings.comTwitter: @AluminiumLiningInstagram: @AluminiumLiningsFacebook: Aluminium Linings