GGR Playcasts  

GGR Playcasts

Author: The Great Geek Refuge

GGRs home for our newest venture: radio dramas, plays, and other audio performances we call GGR Playcasts.
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Language: en-us

Genres: Arts, Performing Arts

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The Hitchhiker
Monday, 10 May, 2021

The Great Geek Refuge presents: The Hitchhiker by Lucille Fletcher, adapted by Mariah Beachboard, James Rambo, and Mike Lunsford. Produced, Directed, and Edited by Mariah Beachboard Featuring the vocal talents of: Mike Lunsford as Ronald Adams Haizle Williams as Mrs. Adams Michael Burke, Joseph Kaitschuck, and Carl Bonebright as the many voices of the Hitchhiker James Rambo as the Attendant Jordan Lee Cloud as the waitress Casey Caracciolo as the Storekeeper Dorlainedenwen as the Female Hitchhiker And Tina Leach as Mrs. Whinney Sound effects by Tina Leach, Mike Lunsford, Mariah Beachboard, and the many many creative geniuses at FreeSound. As for music, you heard “Forlorn Nature” by GrimhirCountdown by Aries BeatsMy Sad Old Heart by the 126ersMoonshine Town by JR Tundra and Local Forecast - Elevator by Kevin MacLeod promoted by Mr. Snooze and used under Creative Commons 3.0 license. Special thanks to Troublexex for studio space. This playcast was edited and produced on Audacity. Thank you for listening to the Great Geek Refuge’s playcast The Hitchhiker. Stay tuned to the very endfor a special treat.


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