Pancakes and Protein Shakes PodcastAuthor: Mike View
Created through Instagram, the "Pancakes and Protein Shakes" brand seeks to support local buisness through social media, and what now will be podcasting. The goal of the podcast is to get the back stories of everything "local". The stories behind the restauranteurs, the artists, the musicians, and any category of local business owners you can think of through the USA. We as humans only tend to care about the final result. For example, what something tastes like, what it looks like, what it feels like, and so on. This brand was created to show the public what goes on behind the scenes. Language: en Contact email: Get it Feed URL: Get it iTunes ID: Get it |
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Episode 7 @SupremaCoffeeRoastery
Monday, 12 October, 2020
If your day starts with a coffee, then this podcast is for you. I had the honor of sitting down with Stefan, the owner/operator of Suprema Coffee Roastery, to talk about all things, well, coffee. He is one of the smartest and hard working individuals in the business, and this episode is just oozing with coffee science. It was a true privilege to sit down and talk shop with him, and we hope you enjoy the show!