The Virtual Publicist Podcast  

The Virtual Publicist Podcast

Author: Candice Nicole

This Podcast is designed for Entrepreneurs, Small Biz Owners, and Publicists. As each episode will be under 30 min and will have a specific topic, each listener will walk away with new knowledge, advice and more confidence in how to maneuver within the PR world.
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Language: en

Genres: Business, Entrepreneurship, Marketing

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It's More Than a Media Interview
Episode 14
Tuesday, 14 March, 2023

On episode 14, Candice Nicole discussed how “It’s More Than a Media Interview” and folks, don’t let anyone ever tell you differently! When you first hear that term we are sure your eyebrows rise as you may be saying “Then why am I investing or wanting PR?” We get it and that is the very reason why this show was created. In this episode, Candice provides you 5 reasons PLUS a bonus on why it’s more than an interview and encourages you to think about PR with a new mindset. Yes, being featured in the news is great, but do you understand the strategy? This episode is for you! Please make sure to follow @thevirtualpublicist IG page, as well as the host, Candice Nicole via @theecandicenicole, and maybe check out the CNPR page @candicenicolepr as well.  This episode was edited by @vaderthevlln and original music by @anikanandvader. To stay connected with The Virtual Publicist Podcast on Social Media, follow @TheVirtualPublicist, and if you want to drop us a note via email, reach out via [email protected].   


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