the UNTITLED podcastAuthor: Jesse Hart, John Sahawneh
(Devising) unqualified opinions; (Applying) filtered thoughts; (Discussing) distilled feelings. Listen in to weekly conversations between Jesse and John about various topics, typically related to feelings about current events, over drinks. Language: en Genres: Personal Journals, Society & Culture, Technology Contact email: Get it Feed URL: Get it iTunes ID: Get it |
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Episode 0220: The Nipples
Episode 0220
Monday, 2 December, 2024
(Devising) unqualified opinions; (Applying) filtered thoughts; (Discussing) distilled feelings. Listen in to weekly conversations between Jesse and John about various topics, typically related to feelings about current events. Outline: Rebooting Childhood Favorites Interesting Directors Where to Find Us Gmail: [email protected] Instagram: @untitled_hosts Feed: Patreon: Jesse: John: Telepathy BONUS