Effed Up CasesAuthor: Effed Up Cases
We explore into the most compelling cases that are deemed to be the most fucked-up in the history of our existence. The 3 of us with our twisted minds, polar opposite opinions and a bit of dark humour and comedy, we unravel and discuss the Effed-Up-Cases. We're weirdly obsessed with Effed up cases and we're going to talk about it! www.effedupcases.com Language: en Genres: True Crime Contact email: Get it Feed URL: Get it iTunes ID: Get it |
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Prince Andrew's INTERVIEW on Jeffery Epstein scandal
Episode 4
Monday, 6 January, 2020
We strip apart and analyse every comments and replies of Prince Andrew on Jeffery Epstein's scandal from the interview with Emily on Newsnight, the BBC Programme. We are Effed-Up-Cases podcast. We explore into the most compelling cases that are DEEMED to be the most fucked-up in the history of our existence. We're weirdly obsessed with Effed Up Cases and we're going to talk about it! Available on: Itunes | Spotify | Stitchers | Anchor | Soundcloud https://anchor.fm/effed-up-cases https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/effed-up-cases/id1484365646?uo=4 https://open.spotify.com/show/4BLtCvLweZ5y7VwN1OItqL https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/effed-up-cases/e/64791144?autoplay=true https://soundcloud.com/effedupcases/princeandrewjefferyepsteinscandal