The Music of Argentina with Tomas  

The Music of Argentina with Tomas

Author: Tomas Villalonga (The Art of Tomas)

Hello everybody from the world wide web this is the music of Argentina with Tomas and I'm your host Tomas!!!! Join me in this wonderful journey to revisit all the music that enriched my life since it's very beginning. Here I will take you song by song through the careers of Argentina finest musicians explaining what their music is about and translating their lyrics. I believe this music is one of the best out there and even people who can't speak the language should be able to appreciate it and be moved by it. Certainly for me this music has been one of the greatest pleasures of my life.
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Language: en

Genres: Music, Music History

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Tell me who Stole it (Dime quien me lo Robo)
Monday, 7 September, 2020

come with me and let's dive into the next song from Sui Generis :)


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