NihaoChinese|Learn Chinese with Clover  

NihaoChinese|Learn Chinese with Clover

Author: Clover Tao

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Level 4: 你会爱上机器人吗?Will you fall in love with a robot?
Episode 1
Saturday, 18 May, 2024

你会爱上机器人吗? 假如有一个机器人完全是按照你的喜好制造的,他/她会为你做饭,帮你做家务,每天逗你开心,他/她了解你所有的需求,能满足你的所有要求,而且长得还很帅或者很漂亮,完全就是你的梦中情人,你会爱上他吗? 但是他/她可能没有心跳,没有人类的正常需求,不用吃饭,不用上厕所,也不需要睡觉。但是他会唱歌,也可能会跳舞,甚至上知天文,下知地理,你不会的事情问一下他就可以了。但是他/她可能没有荷尔蒙,不知道他/她会不会让你心动呢? 或者他/她可以成为很好的朋友?也可能是一个很危险的人物,如果他被病毒入侵了。你期待拥有一个机器人吗?Follow me on YouTube:nihaochinesenet I wrote this article after watching a German film “Ich bin dein Mensch”, Chinese name"我是你的人”. It's a very fascinating movie, I recommend you to watch it! English Translation: Will you fall in love with robots? If there was a robot that was built exactly according to your preferences, he/she would cook for you, help you do the housework, make you happy every day, he/she knew all your needs, could meet all your needs, and he/she was handsome or beautiful, and he/she would be your dream lover, would you fall in love with him/her? But he or she may have no heartbeat, no normal human needs, no need to eat, go to the bathroom, and no need to sleep. But he can sing, maybe he can dance, even know astronomy, know geography. If you don't know something, just ask him. But he/she may not have hormones, I wonder if he/she will make you feel? Or he/she could be a great friend? He could be a very dangerous person, if he's infected by a virus. Are you looking forward to owning a robot? --- Support this podcast:


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