The Spouse Angle  

The Spouse Angle

Author: Natalie Gross

A podcast breaking down the news for military spouses and their families
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Language: en-us

Genres: News, News Commentary

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Military Life Wellness Tips from the 2023 Spouse of the Year
Episode 18
Wednesday, 31 May, 2023

Military spouse wellness and some of the barriers this population faces are the platform for the newest Military Spouse of the Year, Army spouse Evie King. She shares practical wisdom for prioritizing wellness during deployments and military moves as well as underutilized resources all spouses should know about.Follow The Spouse Angle on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.This episode is sponsored by Twelve Million Plus, the new, safe, digital home for the more than twelve million military spouses around the globe. Download the app on Apple or Android mobile devices.


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