Am I Wrxng?!Author: Am I Wrxng Podcast
A bunch of chaotic teens arguing about random topics at any moment's notice. Language: en Genres: TV & Film, TV Reviews Contact email: Get it Feed URL: Get it iTunes ID: Get it |
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[AmIWrxngPodcast] ep.2- CONTROL Z S1
Episode 2
Saturday, 5 September, 2020
hey guys so in this episode we discussed the Netflix show, Control Z! This is one of our favourite shows, especially since it's not US based. tell us your thoughts about it!! is it similar to ours?! and who do you agree with the most in the episode? - follow our instagram @amiwrxngpodcast email - [email protected] - Am I Wrxng?! A bunch of chaotic teens arguing about random topics at any moment’s notice. - #podcast #discussion #control z