Global Connections: A Podcast Featuring Translation Topics for Business  

Global Connections: A Podcast Featuring Translation Topics for Business

Author: International Language Services, Inc.

Global Connections: A Podcast Featuring Translation Topics for Business is brought to you by International Language Services, Inc. Hosted by Barb Sichel of International Language Services, Inc. this podcast features industry insight and resources for businesses in the global market such as translation, localization, etc. ILS provides translation services for businesses of all sizes. Learn more about International Language Services, Inc. here:
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Language: en

Genres: Business, Education, Language Learning

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Technical Translations Arent Just for Techies
Episode 15
Wednesday, 24 June, 2020

When most people think of technical translations, they probably imagine highly complicated alphanumeric codes and algorithms that only a Ph.D. or rocket scientist could decipher. But many industries require technical translations for various scientific, medical, industrial, engineering, and manufacturing documents.  Technical documents contain specific information about the chosen subject. They take many forms such as operator guides, instruction manuals, research journals, user interfaces, safety data sheets, and even decals and labeling. We discuss this and more in this week's episode.


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