How To Survive As A Parent Today  

How To Survive As A Parent Today

Author: harriet mathis

It's about family structure and trying to have a good relationship with family especially with bills and changes in our economy.
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Language: en

Genres: Kids & Family, Parenting

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Teenagers being bored because there are no jobs and how can you keep them busy with out fighting.
Episode 1
Wednesday, 8 July, 2020

Yes March 15, 2020 kids where dismissed from schools they have been out for a while and now on Summer vacation with stores, theme parks and places they would normally spend the summer is still shut down and not open now maybe your home out of work or not but now your actually face to deal with them in the most positive way sitting down and having and making a plan is the next best thing I know, well what does she know maybe her kids are good but minds, are constantly asking for this that money is low you have to have social separation in order to circulate never be over frustrated with them make a family plan even if your only one parent you are still running around household that need for you not to lose control and the fighting between the siblings you just want everyone to move in the same direction to get through this if you really haven't notice kids are lot more work then they where back in those day they talk back they don't pick up there cell phones when you call them which worries you they to are going through major stress they have no outlet of thinking rational because they are not adults yet so when your yelling for them to do thing your the only ones that will be more frustrated than they are most kids are selfish in thinking because it's all about them and what affects them and this us where you come in yes if your keep them busy with the fun stuff the happy thing that will start a closeness go to art supply store make them creative yes parents if your money is low in parent you become the teacher to help them be more homemade things online you would never thing to use or do kids really feel good when you tell them they did a great job let them use there own minds but with your help teach them about maybe creating a new game the family can sit around and play it's free teach them to be more responsible for there own belongs make there own bed write a plan on a board and to each name assign things they can individually complete afterwards treat them to pizzas even frozen from the fridge ice cream or with get books lots of book s because the really need to brush up before school starts again teach them to wash there own clothes or sweep a floor what ever you personally plan make so it's down on a low key parents without yelling swearing and because kids will be in there own heads do things with love rewards and sometimes you have to punish but do all things necessary so your kids can stay out if trouble and off your nerves yes we love them to death but sometimes you may need a nice quiet time out for yourself before dealing with things you think you don't feel like handling always count from 1 to 10 before you exhale the solution but at the end if your day treat yourself for a day well done with a delicious glass if your choice and say tomorrow I will be better with them then today and believe it and you might surprise your how great your parenting so thank you and these are just suggestion use only what you can and for now (Mom can I have a glass of water lol thank you for reading good days always.


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