Planet of the Meerkats  

Planet of the Meerkats

Author: Planet of the Meerkats

Planet of the Meerkats is an ongoing discussion between old friends about pop culture, history, nostalgia, and our hopes for the future.
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Language: en-us

Genres: Society & Culture, TV & Film

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Dave Still Believes
Episode 3
Saturday, 23 December, 2023

Santa is the fucking man, let’s just get that out the way up front. Homie’s been perpetrating the largest, most complex logistical operation the world has ever seen for centuries at this point. Mad respect. And Dave, bless his heart, still believes. That’s right…Doctor Dave is a Santa Stan. But, and I repeat — BUT — don’t get Dave started on the myth of the Arctic Fox. Because Dave AIN’T HAVIN IT. For the love of Hans Gruber’s soul trapped in an advent calendar, tune in to this week’s POTM to get your head right. Happy holidays, all ye Meerkat Faithful (TM)!


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