Harbinger Society Presents  

Harbinger Society Presents

Harbinger Society Presents features guests from Canadian progressive media, journalism & the Harbinger Media Network shared universe with in-depth interviews round-table panels w/ host Andre Goulet. Network supporters get early access to new...

Author: Harbinger Media Network

Harbinger Society Presents features guests from Canadian progressive media, journalism & the Harbinger Media Network shared universe with in-depth interviews round-table panels w/ host Andre Goulet. Network supporters get early access to new episodes of HSP and other exclusive podcasts. Support the community at
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Language: en

Genres: News, News Commentary

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Edmonton: Purple City Blues (Harbinger Soapbox Series vol. 3)
Monday, 27 May, 2024

It’s another spectacular edition of the HARBINGER SOAPBOX SERIES live podcast recording and community event! This edition, vol.3 - Edmonton: Purple City Blues features your friends Big Shiny Takes host Jeremy Appel, Emma Jackson from Common Horizon, and The Progress Report host Duncan Kinney live, on Saturday, May 25th at a legacy housing co-operative located near Whyte avenue in a conversation examining the Alberta NDP leadership race, Trans Mountain trauma, municipal politics drama and a special exclusive interview with guests Nour Salhi, Abraar Alsilwadi and Ali Ansari discussing their experience participating in the Palestine solidarity encampment at the University of Alberta.


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