AAEM Podcasts: Emergency Medicine Breve Dulce Talks  

AAEM Podcasts: Emergency Medicine Breve Dulce Talks

Emergency Medicine Breve Dulce Talks

Author: American Academy of Emergency Medicine

Breve Dulce (formerly known as the PK Talks), which is derived from breve et dulce Latin for short and sweet are rapid-fire talks that cover a variety of important topics. The Breve format is a succinct, high-level overview in less than seven minutes (short) of EM pearls that you can immediately put to use in your everyday practice (sweet). These talks are from the American Academy of Emergency Medicines Annual Scientific Assemblies.
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Language: en

Genres: Health & Fitness, Medicine, Science

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Post Cardiac Arrest Syndrome
Wednesday, 31 May, 2023

David Farcy, MD FAAEM FCCM, Chairman, Department of Emergency Medicine at Mount Sinai Medical in Miami Beach, Florida, speaks with Joseph Shiber, MD FAAEM FCCM FACP, Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine and Critical Care at the University of Florida, Jacksonville. In this episode, Drs. Farcy and Shiber investigate how to improve the care and survival of post cardiac arrest syndrome patients by discussing a patient case of a 67 y/o female. Intro music by NICOCO, "Quiberon," from the album "Nicoco," powered by JAMENDO.


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