Minding My Business - Digital Marketing Podcast for Local Businesses  

Minding My Business - Digital Marketing Podcast for Local Businesses

Author: Rwbeckjr

Maybe you feel like youve tried everything without success. Or youve been putting off trying anything because you just dont know where to start. My goal is to shed light on what a Marketing Plan might consist of for a local business. The key word (no pun intended) is "Plan"! There are no shortcuts...something I've learned over the last 8 years searching for a "Magic Bullet". It takes a strategic approach, and time. We collaborate with businesses to put together a road map for their marketing; creating websites, offers (Every business needs to have "offers"!) and tools to nurture leads.
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Language: en

Genres: Business, Marketing

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Advertising tools for health practitioners.
Episode 3
Sunday, 7 November, 2021

Any health practitioner looking to grow their practice will want to look at this. Having the ability to get your practice’s name in front of new people moving into the area is powerful. As a new resident, especially those coming from out of state, they are looking for their primary physician, dentist etc. This is a powerful tool to launch a new practice, or revive an existing practice’s advertising efforts.


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