Author: RAPIDS

Follow the RAPIDSFire podcast for a fresh take on data science. Hear from revolutionaries transforming data science on GPUs for scientific research, higher education, and the broader enterprise. Talks with open-source software maintainers, Kaggle grandmasters, practitioners, CUDA experts and many others keep you up-to-date on the most exciting developments. Let's discuss how to make your work better and faster. Hosted by Data Scientist Paul Mahler. Join the conversation and send feedback on Twitter @rapidsai
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RAPIDSFire Sports Spectacular 1 - Sam Moss and Cameron Weinert of Every Day is Saturday
Thursday, 14 October, 2021

I talk with Sam Moss and Cameron Weinert about using data science to predict college football. We talk about feature engineering, following your passing, the role of analytics in sports and sports fandom, how to be an intelligent consumer of data science as a non-data scientist, and a lot more.  Everyday is Saturday on Spotify.  Everyday is Saturday on Apple.  Sam on Twitter.  Raw data on college football here at


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