

Author: PodGravy

A weekly fix of random discussion, ranging from the serious to the sublime, the annoying to the amusing. We're nerds and jocks, fighters and lovers, Rebels and Imperials, peanut butter and chocolate...
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Genres: Comedy, Society & Culture

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PodGravy 704
Friday, 4 March, 2016

PodGravy 704: Summer Movie Auction 2: The Quickening We say if you're coming back, then come back in a big way. Join Kody, Coolness, and John as they welcome Shawn Pryor (The Black Box), along with Tressa Bowling and Justin Stewart (Sequential Spirits, Beaucoup Pop) for the return of the PodGravy Summer Movie Auction! Once again, we'll be making bids and spending our Gravybucks on some of the biggest movies coming out this year to see who earns the most at the box office. We'll also throw in a little bit of random confusion, a well-managed civics lesson, and an update on where we'll all be for the upcoming Lexington Comic and Toy Convention, coming up March 11th, 2016 in the heart of central Kentucky.   Get more PodGravy goodness at, follow @PodGravy on Twitter, and email us at [email protected]! Also, be sure to check out The Black Box and Sequential Spirits, wherever you do your podcast shopping!


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