Touch the WonderAuthor and artist Tony McMillen provides droll vivisections of various pop culture (insert third word which begins with the letter "V.") Author: Tony McMillen
Author and artist Tony McMillen provides droll vivisections of various pop culture (insert third word which begins with the letter "V.") Language: en-us Genres: Arts, Books, TV & Film Contact email: Get it Feed URL: Get it iTunes ID: Get it |
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I Got a Book Deal! Mad Cave Studios will be Publishing Attaboy in 2024!
Wednesday, 22 November, 2023
The cat is out of the bag! Or is that the “Att”? No, it’s the cat.I’m sorry.I am really happy to let you know the good news, Mad Cave Studios will be publishing my comic Attaboy next year in May.This will be the Attaboy comic I self-published a few years ago with some minor grammar/ punctuation tweaks, a brand new cover and some brand new making of bonus material..Attaboy remains creator-owned by me and Mad Cave has proved to be a great partner in helping me get my creation to more readers around the world.You can preorder the book direct from Mad Cave at their siteOr, wait until February when you can order it from Previews or ask your store to put in on the shelf for you.Thanks, I’ll be sharing more info and artwork as the release dates gets closer.