The Animal That Changed You  

The Animal That Changed You

Author: Katya Lidsky

The Animal That Changed You explores how extraordinary people have been changed by extraordinary animals. In this weekly show, Katya (writer and Life Coach for Dog People) and Jenny (founder and president of Better Together Dog Rescue) share their stories about soul-level relationships with animals or listen to a guest talk about how loving an animal has led them to where they are today. This co-hosting duo is not afraid to dive into the ups and downs that come with caring about animals or to be vulnerable and real about why increasing our compassion for them is good for the whole world.
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Language: en

Genres: Kids & Family, Pets & Animals

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How Rescuers Handle Emotions and Upcoming Changes for The Animal That Changed You
Episode 80
Tuesday, 14 February, 2023

Spurred by a bothersome text exchange between Jenny’s rescue friend and a local person who wanted to rehome four puppies, in this week’s episode, Katya and Jenny find themselves discussing what it takes emotionally to be in the field of animal welfare. The toll, the toil, and the tribulations.They share their feelings about how to deal with privileged people and the ways in which humans justify their ideas about animals, the struggle to resist the urge to numb out in this line of work, as well as the importance of healthy detachment so we don’t carry all the pain around constantly.This convo helps the duo lean into announcing the big changes coming at The Animal That Changed You, why it was time for this change to be made, and what they hope for with their new podcast: Somebody Save Me! Because at the end of the day, it's the triumphs that keep us going when it comes to saving lives. Katya and Jenny would love for you to let them know that you’re coming with them over to the new show and invite you to share what you think about it by emailing them at [email protected]. Get used to that new address and get in touch! And to Ophelia, dear Ophelia, the one who started it all - a forever love. RIP here, there, and everywhere.The Animal That Changed You community on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook will remain open to you -- feel free to check out the website while you're at it.Please leave a rating or review of the show. Your support matters so much!Woof, meow, oink, moo, cheep (of course, you know that means thanks for listening.Produced by Adode Media; a full-service podcast production agency.


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