Leaders Across America With Steve Acorn  

Leaders Across America With Steve Acorn

Author: Young Entrepreneurs Across America

Welcome To The Leaders Across America Podcast. This show is dedicated to young driven individuals who truly want to choose a path of their life, step out of their comfort zone and create a better future for themselves and in the end, control their own destiny. Each week, we will be interviewing a graduate from our program. You will hear some amazing stories of how being part of the Young Entrepreneurs Program helped transformed them into who they are today. You can determine if you want to be like these individuals and you will understand what it will take to get there. Learn more:
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Language: en

Genres: Business, Entrepreneurship, Management

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108 | Ashland Stansbury | How to Sell Over $165,000 in Our Program
Wednesday, 3 May, 2023

On today’s show, we interview Ashland Stansbury, one of our successful alumni who was part of the Young Entrepreneurs Program back in 2015. She was a freshman at Babson College when she joined our program and she sold over $165,000 that summer, winning the Entrepreneur of the Year award. Today, Ashland is the CEO of Because, a B2B software platform that she founded four years ago upon graduation. In this episode, Ashland is going to talk about the important lessons she learned at YEAA and how this experience helped her in the business she runs today. Ashland is also going to talk about the vision she has for her company and the goal of becoming a billion-dollar organization. She'll discuss challenges she experiences not only during our program but ones that she's faced today as a CEO at Because. She will also talk about how she got funds and fundraising to be able to have a business, will share a very inspirational and detailed story on how she started her business, the mistakes she made along the way and the lessons she took from them and so much more.   Enjoy!   What You Will Learn In This Show: A little bit about Ashland's story and how she got involved into our program. The difference between Student Painters and a regular internship.  The most important keys to success in Ashland’s preseason. The best mindset to have in order to achieve success in our program. About Ashland’s production schedule that we still use today. How NOT to manage your employees.  About Ashland’s business: how she started it, the challenges she had along the way and her goals for the future. And so much more…   Resources: YEAA Website Leaders Across America  


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