The Uncommon Comedy PodcastAuthor: Brian Apprille
A comedy podcast with heart! A clean, funny, and informative look at stand-up comedy and charity. Stand-up comedians from all over the country discuss stand-up, behind-the scenes of comedy, and their favorite charity. Intended for both comedians and non-comedians. Hosted by professional comedian Brian Apprille. Language: en Genres: Comedy, Comedy Interviews, Stand-Up Contact email: Get it Feed URL: Get it iTunes ID: Get it |
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Episode 31: Grant Lyon - Comedian / Actor
Episode 31
Monday, 23 November, 2020
Episode 31 features comedian Grant Lyon. Grant takes us through his career, worst show ever, and gives great advice about how you perceive your career. We also spotlight his organization of choice, "The People Concern." All episodes are available to watch on YouTube. Search Uncommon Comedy Podcast. Hosted by comedian Brian Apprille. Interact live with Brian at