Arab Spring: A History  

Arab Spring: A History

A history of the Middle East from 1900 to the present day.

Author: Jamie Redfern

The Arab Spring: A History is a podcast seeking to explore just how the Arab Spring happened. If you've ever wondered just what has been happening in the Middle East for the last few years, this is the podcast for you. So, how are we going to do this? We're going to tell the story of the Middle East since 1900, and take it up to the present day. We'll look at a mixture of revolutions, social reform, political developments, global diplomacy and economic boom and bust across the region that attracts so much attention from the rest of the world. From Turkey to Egypt, Dubai to Syria, Iran to Israel, Afghanistan to Tunisia, we'll follow how the world of 1900 became the world we live in today.
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Language: en-uk

Genres: History, Society & Culture

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Episode 34 - 1980s Turkey
Saturday, 13 October, 2018

This week we continue in Turkey to cover the events of the 1980s


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