Media Melee  

Media Melee

Drinks Before Dishonour

Author: Mark McLaughlin

Three combatants hash out some overly-serious debates on a variety of topics. Anything goes in these overly-vocal brawls, with each fighter aiming to be crowned, in an overly-celebratory style, with the Media Melee Championship belt.
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Language: en-us

Genres: TV & Film

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Media Melee 07 - Glass Shatters
Sunday, 4 February, 2018

What's this? Another foray into the media thunder dome so soon after the last one? That's right fan! Three worthy warriors waste a winter's afternoon debating: Who is the best Simpsons character (not in the main family)? What is the best video game movie? What is the best video game sequel? Who should play the next Bond villain? What is the best cover song? Basically, we want to know who is the best*. And if you're not sure after those debates, there's an intense speed round (which takes about half an hour, so we shouldn't really call it a speed round) to clear up dubiety. *it's not Reidy


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