Dear Unexpected Entrepreneurs  

Dear Unexpected Entrepreneurs

Author: Steadfast Collective

Dear Unexpected Entrepreneurs is the new flagship podcast for Summit, a community for entrepreneurs looking to refine their idea or grow their businesses to the next level. An unexpected entrepreneur is an expert in their field, who has ambitious goals to innovate in their sector and push boundaries, which then, in turn, become their means for living and their own unique business. Their goal wasnt always to build a business, but to fill a need in a sector they're passionate about.
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Language: en

Genres: Business, Management

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Do what you love - Pete Fergusson
Tuesday, 6 December, 2022

Pete Fergusson is Founder of Nemorin Film & Video, the world's branded video agency (part of the Argonon Group).   Ex Head of Commercial Video for the Telegraph. Broadcast, media and branded content geek.  Pete shares his three lessons learnt in this week’s Dear Unexpected Entrepreneur.


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