Oxford Physics Short Talks and Introductions  

Oxford Physics Short Talks and Introductions

Author: Oxford University

Short talks from University of Oxford Physics Department. Contains episodes previously published as: (1) 'Astrophysics: An Introduction' (2) 'Lab, Camera, Action!': "Lab, Camera, Action! is a series of short videos presented by Dr Andrew Steele about physics, explaining basic concepts, the work done here in Oxford, and even some experiments to try at home. These engaging tutorials cover a range of topics from spectroscopy, superconductivity and the transit of Venus in a clear, accessible way which will appeal to science enthusiasts everywhere." (3) 'Physics Flash Talks': 'A showcase of research at Oxford Physics through exciting 10 minute presentations delivered by graduate research students. The topics span the breadth of research at Oxford and include topics such as climate change, exoplanets, magnetism, the higgs and quantum computers.'
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Language: en

Genres: Education, Science

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Plants, Photosynthesis, and Solar Energy
Monday, 7 July, 2014

The planet is in trouble; fossil fuels are being depleted and are contributing to global warming. Plants, however, have been directly harnessing solar energy for as long as they have existed. A flash talk from Tomas Leijtens.


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