Everyday Intentional with Bethany Blakeney  

Everyday Intentional with Bethany Blakeney

Author: Bethany Blakeney

Hosted by Bethany Blakeney. Her JOY is helping women gain the Confidence and Clarity to have greater impact in their FAITH FAMILY and BUSINESS. So that they can live a life Fueled by Passion and Purpose! As Moms we wear so many hats, and its easy to get caught up in being Mom. Sometimes we get lost and lose a piece of our identity and what makes us Unique and what Moves Us towards our true purpose; Who we were created to be and what we were created to do! Join me on this Journey as we create a life of JOY and intention and ultimately find our Purpose In our Faith Family and Business.
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Language: en

Genres: Business, Entrepreneurship

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Episode 19: Finding Meaning and Purpose in Our Life
Episode 19
Thursday, 9 March, 2023

Our Nature is to crave our purpose and our meaning in life. Our general purpose that we all have is to Glorify God! But we also have specific assignments. Things that we have been born to do that God has called us to do. Though we are all called to Glorify God; He has a very specific way for me to do it. I think sometimes we overcomplicate this. I know I did. And still do. There are days when I question myself and my abilities. Oh I say I’m questioning God, but really I’m questioning myself. And MY lack of faith sprouts its ugly head. But knowing your purpose clarifies 3 challenges we all face in our lives. It Clarifies our Priorities, Uncertainties and Difficulties. If you are like us and are looking for a place to shop that shares your traditional family values and is proudly made in the USA? Then you are going to love what we have found! Safer, Healthier, more affordable products that are shipped right to your front door! Know where your dollars are being spent and know what is actually in the products you use everyday. I can't wait to show you around. Learn more about the Shop Club here.


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