The RosenCast  

The RosenCast

Author: Zack Rosenquest

Zack Rosenquest delivers a thought provoking show, every week. With the intent to highlight traits that will help you get the most out of yourself. He does this by breaking down whats going on in the world around him, giving an objective perspective, and awarding you with some comedic relief now and then. The Rosencast also brings on guests that are attacking their dreams head on to give you a little peak at what is going on inside their heads. @zackrosenquest
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Language: en

Genres: Sports, Wrestling

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65 - Nick Mills
Tuesday, 27 August, 2019

This week’s episode features Nick Mills, Pro Fighter. Nick stops by The Rosen One Studios to talk with Zack Rosenquest about to huge heavy weight pro fights he has coming up. How he got into fighting, things he does to help prepare himself, and how he stays focused. Nick is fighting on Sep, 7th at battle at the boat for a Pro Heavy Weight Boxing match and then again On Nov 16th for Reign FC in a Pro MMA fight. Only in the game for less than a handful of years Nick is making a huge splash in the PNW fight scene.   Please subscribe and tell a friend. This Does not grow without your help!   Visit for links


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