The Heart of Jacks Podcast  

The Heart of Jacks Podcast

Author: Paul Rosenberg

Conversations about sexmostly between menthat might surprise you. Host Paul Rosenberg, author of the forthcoming, The Heart of Jacks: The History and Culture of Jack-Off Clubs, talks with bloggers, writers, scientists, sexologists, artists, community organizers and regular folks about the world of unexpected ideas that emerge from jack-off club and bator cultures, a world in which millions of men openly share and celebrate the most commonand usually privatesexual activity of our species.
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Language: en

Genres: Health & Fitness, Sexuality

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I'm Baaaaack
Wednesday, 31 May, 2023

The Heart of Jacks Podcast is returning soon with new episodes. Here's the complete transcript of this teaser:Hey! It's been a minute! I'm reaching out to ask for your input for an upcoming episode of The Heart of Jacks Podcast.I'm currently editing a multi-episode piece on “sex positivity” that started over a year ago and was put on a shelf (with the rest of the pod) when my club restarted operations and I got a new job and my music group began live performances again. Those three big things interrupted the HOJ project in a big way… which… you might have noticed.AAAAAnyway, I'm now circling back to The Heart of Jacks and this particular episode and it would benefit from a few more voices and that’s where your input comes in.Here’s what I’d like you to do, if you’re up for it. I’m going to give you a conversation starter—a few short questions and I’d like you to call The Heart of Jacks phone line and simply respond with your thoughts in a voicemail. You don’t have to answer every question like it’s a quiz. Just listen, mull it over a little and call with your response. If you write it out before you call, that’s fine but absolutely not required. I’d like your feedback to sound spontaneous, honest, just your take on the subject, and it can be just one or two sentences.If you were one of the fine folks who contributed to this in the past, you don't need to do it again.Now, please don't worry about being perfect. Just consider the questions for a few seconds or a few minutes and then send me your response. Here goes!Are you familiar with the term, “sex positive?” Does it mean anything to you? Have you never encountered it or is it a term you or somebody you know uses? Do you have any particular thoughts about what “sex positive” is or isn’t? Is it just jargon or a trend or is it an important idea? How about this: do you have any… feelings or judgements about somebody who casually uses the term, “sex positive?” What does it bring up for you?Again, consider all of that as a conversation starter, not the fucking SAT or a job application. Nothing is on the line here and your input is anonymous. I’m going to edit responses to be pretty short, so don’t think about it too much and don’t worry about being perfect. I just want your honest take. Simply consider the subject and send me your thoughts.When you’re ready, call The Heart of Jacks phone line at (206) 580-3120. You can also record a voice memo with your smart phone and email that to [email protected] - And if you really want to contribute but you’re just super shy about using your voice, you can email me your response too. It’s just more likely that I’ll actually use it if you call in and leave voicemail or send me a voice memo.If you mess something up, just repeat it. I’ll make you sound good. I really just want to know what YOU think about this thing called “sex positivity.”Thank you so much for helping me out with this and for listening to The Heart of Jacks Podcast. I can’t wait to serve up all the good stuff that’s been cooking over the past year… or so.I’m Paul Rosenberg.


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