2Fit PodcastWellness for Normal People. Author: Brandon Walker, Sara Holleyhead
A weekly podcast featuring personal trainer/author Brandon Walker and fitness pro Sara Holleyhead. Each week Brandon and Sara discuss a relevant health/fitness topic as well as current fitness trends, nutrition articles, exercises, and all things related to the world of wellness. The discussions are geared toward "normal" people, and not just fitness elites. Language: en-us Genres: Health & Fitness, Sports Contact email: Get it Feed URL: Get it iTunes ID: Get it |
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Essential Fitness Equipment
Wednesday, 16 November, 2011
Do you REALLY need an Ab Roller, Perfect Pushups, and a Shakeweight to get in shape? Of course not, but there are five pieces of equipment you SHOULD own if you're serious about getting in shape. Brandon and Sara discuss them in detail on 2Fit Episode 13.