

Podcast collections from Yale University Produced by Yale Broadcast Studio

Author: Heartwood

Thomas Rashad Easley, the Assistant Dean of Diversity and Inclusion at the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies (FES), hosts the Heartwood podcast recorded on the FES campus in New Haven, Connecticut. Thomas meets with guests spanning the environmental spectrum, in pursuit of one goal: understanding how the heart impacts the woods, and the woods impact the heart.
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Language: en-us

Genres: Earth Sciences, Science

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The Culmination of Everything: Dr. Easley’s Expreince of Recording Over 50 episodes
Friday, 15 November, 2024

Dr. Easley has been on a six season-long journey with the Heartwood podcast, having now recorded over fifty episodes with a highly diverse group of guests. He joins Bennett to reflect on the podcast’s roots, how it has grown over time, how he has grown with it, and what the future holds for the next … Read More Read More


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