Bo Show  

Bo Show

Author: Bo Show

Queer panel discussing the hottest headlines, issues that matter, saucy scandals from the A-list to the D-list with a tidal wave of raw attitude.
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Language: en

Genres: Entertainment News, News, Relationships, Society & Culture

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He’s Had Sex With 550 Guys
Monday, 1 June, 2020

Some guys have all the luck, while others have all the sex. You can count all of his sexual partners on 110 hands. Was he picky? Maybe. Maybe not. He says people are shocked that he's kept count for so long, but the math adds up to 550+ guys.Pete is a tall, lean, sexual machine who came out early in life. He was nine years-old when he told his parents that he identified as LGBTQ+. Since then, he's been on a journey of sexual exploration. He's nothing but honest when we discuss promiscuity and stereotypes that plague gay men. He's open to love, monogamy and a whole lot more!I met Pete in the early 2000's while living in Jersey City, New Jersey. We hung out at a small local bar. At the time, it was the only place nearby for LGBTQ+ to meet and grab a drink. I remember him for his kindness, smarts, and height. A few of us sat at one of two tall square tables. I was always drinking a Heineken. I used to be a beer guy.


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