Everyone Sucks!  

Everyone Sucks!

Author: Kartik Budhiraja

All we see are the achievements of people, but what we miss are the times when they sucked too. Everyone goes through a time when they feel like the dumbest person ever, so Kartik interviews some successful people to let it out there that everyone has been through that phase. Everyone sucks, but what matters is how you improve and work yourself out of there.
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Language: en

Genres: Business, Careers

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Figuring it out no matter what ~ Leo Lima
Episode 5
Monday, 22 February, 2021

Leo Lima is a senior software engineer for a crypto marketplace company based in Toronto. He pivoted from a career in journalism to software development and fighting all the odds, found his place in this field. He talks about how he used his self-doubt as fuel during his journey and how he overcame obstacles by just sticking to the plan no matter what happens.  You can find Leo online on Twitter at @leocavia. About Kartik: I'm a software engineer based in Toronto who loves to get to know people and learn from them.


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