Three Distinct Knocks  

Three Distinct Knocks

Author: Wor. David Riley and Bro. Nicholas Harvey

We believe that Freemasonry provides a genuine initiatory experience and a pathway to mature masculinity. The Gentle Craft brings together men who might have otherwise been divided by class, race, religion, or sectarian opinion and allows them to become friends and Brothers. It provides important moral instruction and non-dogmatic support for faith in the Divine. It gives men a sense of their place in society, in history, and in the universe. Freemasonry is not only relevant for men in our modern age, but essential. ** We believe candidates should be provided the best possible experience in joining the Fraternity. The experience of being Entered, Passed and Raised should be deeply moving, impressive, and memorable. But these experiences are essential but insufficient for a truly good candidate experience. The traditional education for candidates consisting of memorization of catechisms or lectures provides an excellent opportunity to introduce candidates to the philosophy, history, and traditions of the Fraternity. Mere memorization isnt education. It is imperative that candidates be provided with the opportunity to begin to develop a real understanding of the degrees and the Craft. * We believe in the tradition of making daily progress in Freemasonry. Freemasonry is a progressive science that is to say, it is a body of knowledge that requires study and effort. Only through such study does a man progress in his understanding of the Mysteries of Masonry and begin to improve himself and, thereby, his community. It is our hope that as we build more resources on our website we can become a resource for those in the Craft seeking to make daily progress. Worshipful Brother David Riley and Brother Nicholas Harvey
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Language: en-gb

Genres: Society & Culture, Technology

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Episode 25 - The Grumpy Past Masters Are Here (with Jonathan Sriberg and Geoffrey Kromer)
Episode 32
Wednesday, 17 June, 2020

Worshipful Jonathan Sriberg and Worshipful Geoffrey Kromer join us to talk about The Grumpy Past Master's Facebook group:


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