Leadership PowerTools from the BohnYard  

Leadership PowerTools from the BohnYard

Author: Dr. Jim Bohn

If you lead and manage people and projects every day - this podcast is for YOU! Leadership is about getting things done. No frills, no motivational phrases, just straight talk about getting things done. That's the Leadership PowerTools from the BohnYard podcast! Your ability to get things done is directly related to how you manage people, processes and tools. I'll give you straightforward advice from four decades of experience with the Fortune 500 and many leaders from the Fortune 100. We'll talk about simplifying complex problems and ensuring your team succeeds!
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Language: en-us

Genres: Business, Management

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Episode 1 - Great leaders get things done!
Monday, 3 August, 2020

Great leaders focus on the essentials.  They exclude the unnecessary and prioritize the critical few.  Great leaders check in on progress and ensure their team members know the routine of accountability.   Great leaders get things done by sticking with projects until they're complete.   Great leaders don't get bored and pass the work on to others.   Great leaders get things done and reward their team members for success!  


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