lets talk about it.  

lets talk about it.

Author: Winnie

A podcast discussing taboo topics people are maybe too afraid to talk about. Whether that be about the injustices about the world to whether pineapple should be on pizza, this will be discussing all the topics that arent allowed on the dinner table. Join me while I try to understand new perspectives and maybe form an opinion of my own!
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Language: en

Genres: News, Politics

Contact email: Get it

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Lets talk about Misogyny and Feminism EP.7
Episode 7
Sunday, 13 June, 2021

This is the episode where I talk about feminism and misogyny with a lovely guest called Charlotte Mitchell, a writer, feminist and a supporter and advocate for various organisations. In this episode we delve into issues such as TikTok misogyny, the 97% statistic and soo much more I can't wait for you to hear about.  Please if you want to support me and this podcast more, please follow on on Instagram! And also don't be afraid to message me and tell me what you think of it, but of course no hate will be allowed and I will delete your comment if I see anything of the sort!  Song: We've never met but can we have a coffee or something by In Love with a Ghost.   


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