REDEGG Storytime |Author: REDEGG Edutainment
REDEGG Storytime d Crystal and Daniel grew up in Canada, and Hong Kong created RedEgg Storytime. They were raised bilingual watching Cantonese television and songs but realizing that kids today don't get the same anymore. They want to use their strengths in creating unique Cantonese stories for Overseas Chinese kids and sharing their bi-cultural perspectives little by little! Language: zh-tw Genres: Kids & Family, Stories for Kids Contact email: Get it Feed URL: Get it iTunes ID: Get it |
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Sunny's 年廿八洗邋遢🛁🧺
Episode 6
Tuesday, 11 January, 2022
農曆新年就到啦!爺爺決定教Sunny一套中國人代代相傳既超級行運秘技✌🏼:「年廿八、洗邋遢」! 聽講只要做齊Checklist上面既事,就會有意想唔到既驚喜發生😳?