The Future of Activism with Joe Hobbs  

The Future of Activism with Joe Hobbs

Joe Hobbs interviews activists about why they got started, what keeps them going, and what advice they have for you to activate.

Author: FutureX Podcast Network

Joe Hobbs interviews activists about why they got started, what keeps them going, and what advice they have for you to activate. Part of the FutureX Network. Produced by Lee Schneider.
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Language: en

Genres: Documentary, Government, Society & Culture

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Emma Meshell Expects Some May Disagree with Her Libertarian Views
Episode 7
Thursday, 29 October, 2020

"What keeps me going is when I can look at someone who completely and utterly disagrees with everything I say, and I can still see them for who they are, which is a human being with dignity and worth," says Emma Meshell, spokesperson at Young Americans for Liberty. She is working to get out the vote, especially with local campaigns. Links:Young Americans for Liberty


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